CoOLiNaRy SpoT

"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat & drink beer all day." Unknown (Sent by a newsletter subscriber)


From Central America and living somewhere else in this world! Interest in cooking, dancing, handicrafts, languages, music and movies, different cultures and now in blogging!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


In this link there are so many ways of diets you can follow! Im on these days that Im thinking I should really follow one of is so difficult! "You need to follow a diet and do lots of exercises! Ohhh and don't forget to drink lots of water, ah?" Por Dios!! I always read and hear the same thing so I started already to wonder beyond my good intentions, lets say in a psychological level.
Talking to a friend last week, which actually her profession is art therapist and one of my closest friend here in Izmir (Turkey), I asked her why it is so difficult for me to have a discipline in "exercises and diets"?. I like so much to eat and cook! and in fact my family always did exercises so how come I am so lazy for that!? It is not fair, ah? anyway Im discipline in some other things and I know I still need to work on this subject. At least Im still healthy! Looking OK...I just need to take care as Im on this age where "you need to take care because later is very difficult, my dear, and is a pitty" jaja! So enjoy the link, you will have a lot to read! and for sure to choose.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

baby! you have to exercise, even if you hate it!!!!!! it is the only way! :)

very nice blog indeed!!!! te felicito!

10:47 PM  

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