CoOLiNaRy SpoT

"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat & drink beer all day." Unknown (Sent by a newsletter subscriber)


From Central America and living somewhere else in this world! Interest in cooking, dancing, handicrafts, languages, music and movies, different cultures and now in blogging!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Bugs as Food!

There is this subject about bugs as food: "oh disgusting!" " ahhhh are you crazy?" "ocuh, auch, guacatela, que asco!"...anyway is meat different? imagine the whole chicken naked without head? is not the same!? or a whole tongue of a horse, cow or whatever? kidney of a duck? a brain of cow??? I almost had a heart attack when I saw a brain expose in the supermarket in Turkey! I never saw it in Panama...Very impressed...but every culture has his thing and that's why I consider life misterious!
Check this link on the title about bugs in food from National Geographic:
"Imagine sitting down to the dinner table and being served a bowl of thick, slimy larvae. It's enough to make most Americans' stomachs turn. But in other countries that same meal makes people's mouths water.
Entomophagy—the consumption of insects—has been around for thousands of years in some cultures. Today, it is estimated that more than half the people of the world eat a variety of flying, crawling, and biting bugs. Not only do these insects apparently taste good, but they're an inexpensive and nutritious food source. "....


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